Extending the Limits of CVEs to Support Collaborative e-Learning Scenarios

TitleExtending the Limits of CVEs to Support Collaborative e-Learning Scenarios
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsBouras, C, Tsiatsos, T
Conference Name2nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Kazan, Russia
Date Published9 - 12 September

This paper proposes the use of collaborative virtual
environments in order to provide collaborative e-learning
services in an efficient and cost effective way. On the one
hand, we present the transformation of well known
collaborative learning techniques to collaborative elearning
scenarios. The collaborative learning
techniques, which are discussed in this paper, are
brainstorming/roundtable, think pair share, jigsaw,
quickwrites/microthemes, and structured academic
controversies. On the other hand, we describe the
necessary modifications of the collaborative virtual
environments in order to support collaborative e-learning
services and scenarios. Main proposals are the
integration of more media to offer more awareness, the
support of more people with different roles, and the
definition of an integrated system architecture.
