pLVE: Suitable Network Protocol Supporting Multi-User Virtual Environments in Education

TitlepLVE: Suitable Network Protocol Supporting Multi-User Virtual Environments in Education
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsBouras, C, Tsiatsos, T
Conference NameInternational Confertence on Information and Communication Technologies for Education/ED-ICT 2000, Vienna, Austria
Date Published6 - 9 December

Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) and the broad use of communication networks provide
the users with realistic virtual environments. However these environments need and a pioneer
application such as distance learning. In order to realize suitable educational virtual environments
the desired functionality should be collected, a general architecture should be specified and a
suitable communication protocol between the components of the system should be designed. In this
paper we present the design rationale for such a communication protocol.
